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Our Products

Previously funded under Defense Health Agency (DHA) Phase I, Phase II, and Phase IIE SBIR awards, two separate Joint Program Committee 


Previously funded under Defense Health Agency (DHA) Phase I and Phase II SBIR funding awards, FY21 DHA J9 Phase II Enhancement/Phase III funding, and

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Under prior funding from the US Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) through an Other Transaction Agreement with Military 


Recipient of the MTEC 2020 Prototype of the Year Award, this program is funded by the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA), 


Previously funded under Defense Health Agency (DHA) Phase I, Phase II, and Phase IIE SBIR awards, FY18 Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program 

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Under previous Phase I and II SBIR awards from the US Army and under current Sequential Phase II SBIR funding from the Defense Health Agency

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Previously funded under Defense Health Agency (DHA) Direct-to-Phase II and Phase IIE SBIR awards, and currently funded under both DHA Sequential 

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Funded by the JPC-2/Military Infectious Diseases Research Program through an Other Transaction Agreement with Military Technology Enterprise 

Succor Sulfur Mustard.jpg

Previously funded under a Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP) Phase I SBIR award and currently under CBDP Phase II SBIR funding, Critical 


Critical Innovations has been developing this innovative technology under previous Defense Health Agency (DHA) Phase I SBIR funding, as well as 


Under recent US Space Force Direct-to-Phase II SBIR funding, Critical Innovations is developing the Fully-Qualified Manufacturing™ (FQM™) 


All medical technologies listed on this page are INVESTIGATIONAL and NOT AVAILABLE FOR COMMERCIAL SALE. These statements have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these technologies are NOT currently approved for human use.

CD010 Rev.P 2025-01-31

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